The year 2009 will be marked by the launch of a brand new product, Taliscope (www.taliscope.com), already in high demand by Internet users and will be broadcast on a daily basis.
The Taliscope is a talismanic calendar which provides for each day of the year a talisman in the form of a magic square of order 4, whose first line is made up of figures of the current date of the day. Taliscope combines several parallel sciences as clairvoyance, esotericism and astrology. The Taliscope helps you to find all the lucky days of the year and also the dates of misfortune or fateful days.
The main informative content of this article, Taliscope, may benefit any person, especially small business owners and may help them in choosing some specific dates such as date of signing a contract, date of appointment with the banker, date of launch of a product ...
According to its users, used in combination with the square-talisman of your date of birth [your Talisbirthday or Talisman-birthday] and classic numerology of your life-path, the Taliscope would provide maximum protection, by supplying practical information and enabling both to predetermine good or damaging times in your life and to better manage the challenges faced on a daily basis. The square-talisman would neutralize any squaring the circle or any intractable problem at first look. Therefore, for any day and for live full protection, you need to use your Talisbirthday (for help visit www.tradebit.com or http://cosmos2000.tradebit.com). In short and concretly, for your love, job, money, and more, you can change your luck with Taliscopes, brand new powerful amulets and lucky charms ...
While the horoscope confines itself to identify your destiny, good or bad, but without more, the Taliscope protects you against the evil spell, with the magic square-talisman. Contrary to the horoscope which makes use of the language of words or alphabets, a variable language, unstable and with its "false friends" [for example, French word "librairie" is not library in English but rather bookstore!], the Taliscope uses the language of numbers , a pure language, universal and stable over time and space. The language of numbers is a language without blemish, in a divine perfection, which gives back to the complex all its logic simplicity, in a harmonious symphony. Some authors have often praise the wonderful and magical world of numbers. Thus, Pythagoras (c. 570 - c. 490 BC.), Greek philosopher and mathematician, said "The numbers govern the world" and also "Everything is number." Considering that the universe is governed by numbers, Pythagoras has established the foundations of modern numerology. "Wherever there is number, there is beauty" (Proclus 410-485 A.D.). In the seventeenth century, Galileo said: "God is a mathematician", because all from him has always a logic.
Today Taliscope
The square-talisman for today, February 28th, 2009 is:

© Copyright 2009 - Taliscope Inc.
www.taliscope.com - Chaman Tito
28th of February, 2009 → 28/02/2009
The sum of each of the 4 lines, 4 columns and 2 diagonals of this talisman-square is 59. The magic total is whenever equal to the sum of four terms of the sub-central square, order 2x2, bounded by the outside rows and columns.
Lines → 28 + 2 + 20 + 09 = 21 + 8 + 29 + 1 = 7 + 18 + 4 + 30 = 3 + 31 + 6 + 19 = 59
Columns → 28 + 21 + 7 + 3 = 2 + 8 + 18 + 31 = 20 + 29 + 4 + 6 = 9 + 1 + 30 + 19 = 59
Diagonals → 28 + 8 + 4 + 19 = 3 + 18 + 29 + 9 = 59
Sub-central square → 8 + 29 + 18 + 4 = 59
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Taliscope or Talisman-Horoscope http://www.taliscope.com/
Sudoku-As: Free Puzzles http://www.sudoku-as.co.nr/
Sudoku-As: Puzzles and Solver http://www.sudoku-as.com/
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666 - Devil Marks Hunting http://666hunting.bloguez.com/ or http://666hunting.blogspot.com/
Numeroscope http://www.numeroscope.co.nr/
Friday 13th http://www.vendredi13.us/ or http://www.vendredi13.co.nr/
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