About Jerry Falwell
Jerry Falwell (August 11, 1933 - May 15, 2007) was an American fundamentalist Christian pastor and televangelist. He was the founding pastor of the Thomas Road Baptist Church in Lynchburg, Virginia. He also founded Liberty University in 1971 and co-founded the Moral Majority in 1979. Besides founding one of the US's biggest churches, Falwell was chancellor of Liberty University

666 Hunting Tools
Actually, 666 is a bivalent or dual myth, the whole as illustrated by the most complete site on this subject, 666 Bivalent Myth at URL http://www.666myth.co.nr/ or http://www.666myth.com/
There are four 666 calculators available on 666 Bivalent Myth website :
Basis 666 Calculator (Superstitious = 666, Deadlocks = 666, Anormal = 666 ... ) at http://www.666myth.com/
Happy 13 Calculator (Hell = 666 ... ) at http://www.666myth.com/Happy13_Code_en.html
Telephone - Calculator (ATT = 666; Dial tone = 666; Cellular = 666; The beast = 666; six hundred sixty-six = 666 ... ) at http://www.666myth.com/PhoneEncode_en.html
Ultra AlphaNum Calculator (Horus = 666; Jesus = 666; Dekatriaphobia = 666; Superstitious = 666 ... ) at http://ww.666myth.com/Encode_en.html
666 Hunting Results
Falwell = 1776 but 1776 x (3/8) = 666
Ultra AlphaNum Calculator / Base 144A12
Jerry Falwell = 2331 but 2331 x (2/7) = 666
Telephone Calculator / Telephone x37
Reverend Falwell = 2664 but 2664 ÷ 4 = 666
Telephone Calculator / Telephone x37
Evangelicalist Falwell = 1554 but 1554 x (3/7) = 666
Ultra AlphaNum Calculator / Starter 65
Evangelicalist Falwell = 1554 but 1554 x (3/7) = 666
Ultra AlphaNum Calculator / Base 2A8
Evangelicalist Falwell = 1554 but 1554 x (3/7) = 666
Basis Calculator / Upper-Case ASCII Codes
Rev. Jerry Falwell = 5994 but 5994 x (3/27) = 666
Telephone Calculator / Telephone x74
Rev. Jerry Falwell = 999
Ultra AlphaNum Calculator / Base 43A2
Reverend Jerry Falwell = 1666 ---> 1 666 ---> 666 number 1, champion 666 or discrete 666
Ultra AlphaNum Calculator / Base 7
Tele Evangelist = 666
666 Basis Calculator / Alphanum. Basis 3 Reversed
Tele Evangelist = 2553 but 2553 x (6/23) = 666
Telephone Calculator / Telephone x37
Tele Evangelist = 1776 but 1776 x (3/8) = 666
Ultra AlphaNum Calculator / Base 66A6
Televangelist = 2442 but 2442 x (3/11) = 666
Telephone Calculator / Telephone x37
Conservative Christianity = 4773 but 4773 x (6/43) = 666
Telephone Calculator / Telephone x37
The Conservative Christianity = 3666 ---> 3 666 ---> Triple 666
Ultra AlphaNum Calculator / Base 66A6
The Fundamentalist Christianity = 666
Ultra AlphaNum Calculator / Starter 12
A Fundamentalist Christian = 2223 ---> 222 x 3 = 666
Telephone Calculator / Telephone x19
The Fundamentalism = 1665 but 1665 x (2/5) = 666
Ultra AlphaNum Calculator / Base 9
The Fundamentalism = 2220 ---> 222 ---> 222 x 3 = 666
Ultra AlphaNum Calculator / Base 12
Fundamentalism = 5106 but 5106 x (3/23) = 666
Telephone Calculator / Telephone x74
The Evangelicalism = 333 ---> 333 x 2 = 666
Ultra AlphaNum Calculator / Enochian 3
Evangelicalist = 2331 but 2331 x (2/7) = 666
Telephone Calculator / Telephone x37
The Thomas Road Baptist Church = 3663 but 3663 x (2/11) = 666
666 Basis Calculator / Alphanum. Basis 9 Reversed
Thomas Road Baptist Church = 1666 ---> 1 666 ---> 666 number 1, champion 666 or discrete 666
Happy 13 Calculator / Happy 13x14
References URLs
Slideshow on Rev. Jerry Falwell:
Falwell in Technorati
http://www.technorati.com/blogs/jerry+falwellJerry Falwell
Technorati - Tags - Falwell
Jerry Falwell
Rev Jerry Falwell
Reverend Jerry Falwell
Reverend Falwell
Thomas Road Baptist Church
Thomas Road
Liberty University
Baptist Church
Moral Majority
Old Time Gospel Hour
Television Evangelist
Tele Evangelist
Fundamentalist Christianity
Christian Zionist
Technorati - Tags - 666

Websites on 666 - Devil Marks Hunting
French :
Chaka / Webmaster of :
Sudoku-As: Puzzles and Solver http://www.sudoku-as.com/
Sudoku-As: Games Onlinehttp://blog.myspace.com/189557306
666 Bivalent Myth http://www.666myth.com/ or http://www.666mythe.co.nr/
666- Devil Marks Hunting http://666hunting.bloguez.com/ or http://666hunting.blogspot.com/
Numeroscope http://www.numeroscope.co.nr/
Friday 13th http://www.vendredi13.us/ or http://www.vendredi13.co.nr/
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