About Dadullah Akhund
Mullah Dadullah Akhund (1965? – May 11, 2007) was an ethnic Pashtun from Uruzgan province in Afghanistan. He was the Taliban's top military commander until his death in 2007.
Mullah Dadullah, a top lieutenant of Taliban leader Mullah Omar, who orchestrated suicide attacks, was the backbone of the Taliban. For many years Mullah Dadullah has been known to be one of the most brutal and extreme Taleban leaders, who killed and beheaded Afghan civilians.

Mullah Dadullah Akhund in an interview in early 2006
He has been called "Afghanistan's top Taliban commander" by Nato officials, and was high on the US list of most-wanted people in the country. Mullah Dadullah lost one of his legs when fighting with the Mujahideen in Kabul in 1996 and has since used an artificial limb.
He had the reputation of a fearless man. Despite his disability, he fought and led major battles for the Taleban against the rival Northern Alliance forces during the 1990s. And he was the first Taleban commander to give interviews to print and electronic media after the fall of the regime. Unlike other Taleban leaders who never allowed themselves to be photographed for religious and security reasons, Mullah Dadullah did just the opposite.

Afghan man looks at dead body of Dadullah
Mullah Dadullah told the BBC in early 2006 that he had hundreds of suicide bombers awaiting his orders to launch an offensive against foreign troops. In March 2007, London television Channel 4 aired an interview in which Dadullah said al-Qaida (or al Qaeda) leader Osama bin Laden was alive and well and in contact with Taliban officers.
Afghan officials reported on May 13, 2007 that Mullah Dadullah was killed the previous evening in a clash with Afghan and Western - allied forces in Helmand province. His body was subsequently put on display for reporters in Kandahar, with bullet wounds to the head, chest and stomach.

Corpse of Dadullah shown to reporters in Kandahar
666 Hunting Tools
Actually, 666 is a bivalent or dual myth, the whole as illustrated by the most complete site on this subject, “666 Bivalent Myth” at URL http://www.666myth.co.nr/ or http://www.666myth.com/
There are four 666 calculators available on “666 Bivalent Myth” website :
Basis 666 Calculator (Superstitious = 666, Deadlocks = 666, Anormal = 666 …) at http://www.666myth.com/
Happy 13 Calculator (Hell = 666 …) at http://www.666myth.com/Happy13_Code_en.html
Telephone - Calculator (ATT = 666; Dial tone = 666; Cellular = 666; The beast = 666; six hundred sixty-six = 666 …) at http://www.666myth.com/PhoneEncode_en.html
Ultra AlphaNum Calculator (Horus = 666; Jesus = 666; Dekatriaphobia = 666; Superstitious = 666 …) at http://ww.666myth.com/Encode_en.html
666 Hunting Results
Al-Qaida = 666
Telephone Calculator / Telephone x37
Al Qaeda = 1332 but 1332 ÷ 2 = 666
666 Basis Calculator / Alphanumeric Basis 9 Reversed
Osama bin Laden = 333 —> 333 x 2 = 666
Ultra AlphaNum Calculator / Reduced A0x9
Osama bin Laden = 1998 but 1998 ÷ 3 = 666
Telephone Calculator / Telephone x37
Osama ben Laden = 344 —> 344 = 666 - 322 —> ...
Devil gap from “good” number 322 related to Skull and Bones ! ...
Ultra AlphaNum Calculator / Pythagoras A8
bin Laden = 222 ---> 222 x 3 = 666
Ultra AlphaNum Calculator / Enochian 1
Laden = 322 exactly; famous number related to Skull and Bones
Happy 13 Calculator / Happy 13x14
Osama = 322 again
Telephone Calculator / Telephone x14
September = 322 one more time
Telephone Calculator / Telephone x7
October = 666
666 Basis Calculator / Alphanumeric Basis 6 Reversed
September = 663
Happy 13 Calculator / Happy 13x13
2001 ---> 2+0+0+1 = 3 = numeric reduction of year 2001
September 2001 = 663 + 3 = 666
September 2001 = Tragedy of World Trade Center
September ..th = 655
Ultra AlphaNum Calculator / Base 5 ... Pentagone on peril ! ...
In Base 5 September = 515 and th = 140
2001 ---> 3 and 11 ---> 1+1 = 2
September 11th 2001 = 515 + 140 + 2 + 3 = 655 + 2 + 3 = 666
On peril = 666
Happy 13 Calculator / Happy 13x18
Pentagone = 1665 but 1665 x (2/5) = 666
Telephone Calculator / Telephone x37
World Trade Center = 1665 but 1665 x (2/5) = 666
666 Basis Calculator / Alphanumeric Basis 9 Mode
W. T. C. = 322 exactly; famous number related to Skull and Bones
Ultra AlphaNum Calculator / Base 7
Save Our Souls (S. O. S.) = 666
Telephone Calculator / Telephone x9
September 11th ---> 9 11 ---> 9-1-1 = Emergency Dial Code
New-York = 666
666 Basis Calculator / Alphanumeric Basis 6 Mode
Abu Mussab Al-Zarqawi = 2775 but 2775 x (6/25) = 666
Telephone Calculator / Telephone x37
Al-Zarqawi = 1665 but 1665 x (2/5) = 666
Ultra AlphaNum Calculator / Combined
Zarqawi = 344 —> 344 = 666 - 322 —> ...
Devil gap from “good” number 322 related to Skull and Bones ! ...
Happy 13 Calculator / Happy 13x8
Mullah Dadullah Akhund = 2331 but 2331 x (2/7) = 666
666 Basis Calculator / Alpha. Basis 100 Reversed
Mullah Dadullah Akhund = 6660 ---> Hidden 666
Telephone Calculator / Telephone x74
Dadullah Akhund = 2220 --->222 0 ---> 222 x 3 = 666
Telephone Calculator / Telephone x37
Mullah Akhund = 3774 but 3774 x (3/17) = 666
Ultra AlphaNum Calculator / Base 153A17
Akhund = 66
Happy 13 Calculator / Happy 13x2
The Mullah = 666
Happy 13 Calculator / Happy 13x9
Jihad = 666
Telephone Calculator / Telephone x37
Mujahideen = 222 —> 222 x 3 = 666
Ultra AlphaNum Calculator / Thelema
Hamas = 1554 but 1554 x (3/7) = 666
Telephone Calculator / Telephone x74
The Hamas = 333 —> 333 x 2 = 666
Ultra AlphaNum Calculator / Reduced A0x9
Muslim = 111 —> 111 x 6 = 666
Ultra AlphaNum Calculator / Alpha-reduced
Rebellions = 666
666 Basis Calculator / Alphanumeric Basis 6 Mode
The Rebellion = 344 —> 344 = 666 - 322 —> ...
Devil gap from “good” number 322 related to Skull and Bones ! ...
Ultra AlphaNum Calculator / Tolstoy
Ultra AlphaNum Calculator / Bungus
A Rebellion = 344
Telephone Calculator / Telephone x8
Rebels = 1998 but 1998 ÷ 3 = 666
Telephone Calculator / Telephone x74
A Rebel = 344 —> 344 = 666 - 322 —> ...
Devil gap from “good” number 322 related to Skull and Bones ! ...
Ultra AlphaNum Calculator / Base 8
The Rebel = 333 —> 333 x 2 = 666
Ultra AlphaNum Calculator / Reduced A0x9
Islam = 1776 but 1776 x (3/8) = 666
Telephone Calculator / Telephone x74
Afghan Fighter = 666
Ultra AlphaNum Calculator / Pythagoras A9
Taliban Fighters = 344 —> 344 = 666 - 322 —> ...
Devil gap from “good” number 322 related to Skull and Bones ! ...
Happy 13 Calculator / Happy 13x4
Taliban Fighters = 2553 but 2553 x (6/23) = 666
Telephone Calculator / Telephone x37
Jihad Fighter = 3774 but 3774 x (3/17) = 666
Telephone Calculator / Telephone x74
Extremists = 666
Happy 13 Calculator / Happy 13x9
The extremist = 666
Ultra AlphaNum Calculator / Reduced A0x9
An extremist = 1332 but 1332 ÷ 2 = 666
666 Basis Calculator / Alphanumeric Basis 9 Mode
Taliban’s Jihad = 1998 but 1998 ÷ 3 = 666
Telephone Calculator / Telephone x37
The Talibans = 666
Ultra AlphaNum Calculator / Base 6
A Taliban = 1776 but 1776 x (3/8) = 666
Ultra AlphaNum Calculator / Base 144A12
A Taliban = 66
Ultra AlphaNum Calculator / Reduced A0x3
Taliban Commanders = 344 —> 344 = 666 - 322 —> ...
Devil gap from “good” number 322 related to Skull and Bones ! ...
Happy 13 Calculator / Happy 13x4
A Taliban Leader = 3996 but 3996 ÷ 6 = 666
Telephone Calculator / Telephone x74
A Taliban Leader = 1998 but 1998 ÷ 3 = 666
Telephone Calculator / Telephone x37
Taliban = 66
Ultra AlphaNum Calculator
Happy 13x2 and Reduced A0x3
Suicide Attack = 666
Happy 13 Calculator / Happy 13x9
A Suicide Bomber = 666
Happy 13 Calculator / Happy 13x9
Suicide Bombers = 222 —> 222 x 3 = 666
Ultra AlphaNum Calculator / Achad
Taliban Suicide Bomber = 666
Ultra AlphaNum Calculator / Reduced A0x9
The Taliban Suicide Attacks = 3885 but 3885 x (6/35) = 666
Ultra AlphaNum Calculator / Starter 153
Terrorists = 322 exactly; famous number related to Skull and Bones
Ultra AlphaNum Calculator / Base 2
Terrorists = 1332 but 1332 ÷ 2 = 666
Ultra AlphaNum Calculator / Reduced Suite
Terrorist = 2109 but 2109 x (6/19) = 666
Telephone Calculator / Telephone x37
The Taliban Regime = 888
Ultra AlphaNum Calculator / Combined
Afghanistan = 322 exactly; famous number related to Skull and Bones
Ultra AlphaNum Calculator / Pythagoras A7
Afghanistan = 1776 but 1776 x (3/8) = 666
Telephone Calculator / Telephone x37
Afghan = 333 —> 333 x 2 = 666
666 Basis Calculator / Alphanumeric Basis 9 Mode
Kandahar = 333 —> 333 x 2 = 666
Ultra AlphaNum Calculator / Reduced Suite
Kabul = 222 —> 222 x 3 = 666
Ultra AlphaNum Calculator / Starter 36
666 Basis Calculator / Alphanumeric Basis 36 Mode
References URLs
The Taliban's New Zarqawi - Newsweek:
Akhund in Technorati
http://technorati.com/tag/Mullah+Dadullah+AkhundMullah Dadullah Akhund
Mullah Dadullah
Mollah Dadullah
Technorati - Tags - Akhund
Al Qaida
al qaeda
Osama bin Laden
Oussama Ben Laden
Ben Laden
Bin Laden
Abu Mussab Al-Zarqawi
september 11
2001 september 11
september 11, 2001
World Trade Center
new york
Suicide Bomber
Suicide Attack
Technorati - Tags - 666
Mark 666
Mark of the beast
number 666
the number of the beast
number of the beast
the beast
The Antechrist
The Mark of the beast
The Mark 666
The devil
The satan
Websites on 666 – Devil Marks Hunting
French :
Chaka / Webmaster of :
Sudoku-As: Free Puzzles http://www.sudoku-as.co.nr/
Sudoku-As: Puzzles and Solver http://www.sudoku-as.com/
Sudoku-As: Games Onlinehttp://blog.myspace.com/189557306
666 Bivalent Myth http://www.666myth.com/ or http://www.666mythe.co.nr/
666- Devil Marks Hunting http://666hunting.bloguez.com/ or http://666hunting.blogspot.com/
Numeroscope http://www.numeroscope.co.nr/
Friday 13th http://www.vendredi13.us/ or http://www.vendredi13.co.nr/